Did you know that the foot is the body’s shock absorber?
The arch of the foot actually functions to absorb 30% of the shock when the foot hits the ground.
Since the foot is the base of the lower kinetic chain, when there is a problem, it will translate up the leg – and this will affect the pelvis. The pelvis is the base of the spine and greatly impacts its function. When there is over-pronation of the foot, there is abnormal torque at the ankle that will cause excessive internal rotation of the lower leg.
This ultimately results in an excessive lordosis of the lumbar spine with pathological consequences – early degenerative changes.
What is an Orthotic?
An orthotic is a supportive device which is placed inside footwear, to change the mechanical function of the foot.It works dynamically during weight-bearing activities like walking, running and standing.
Orthotic and Chiropractic therapies are essential in restoring the structural and functional harmony to maintain stability and balance throughout the body thus optimizing performance.
Call us today to schedule your complimentary orthotic scan when you come in for your next adjustment!
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