Effective Relief for Migraines at HFC
What Is A Headache?
More than 90% of headaches can be classified into one of the following 3 categories:
- Tension Headache
Tension headaches are commonly associated with mild to moderate pain on both sides of the head. It is often described as a “band” of pain and a sensation that something presses around the head. These headaches can worsen with stress, fatigue, noise or light. The stiffness of the neck and muscles of the scalp is called tension headache.
- Migraine
Migraines are periodic and severe. These are stitches that affect more women than men. Most of the time, migraines begin with pain in and around the eye and extend to one or both sides of the head. These headaches are often accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light. Migraines appear to be caused by a change in the flow of traffic.
- Cervical Headache
The headache of cervical origin is one which, although perceived as being in the head, originates from the cervical spine. The pain is similar to a tension headache, but symptoms of migraine may also be present.
Using manipulations and favorable conditions, one can notice a remarkable improvement in 14 days and a remission in 4 to 5 weeks. On the other hand, waiting several weeks before the start of treatment, it may be longer and the patient may have sequelae (slight persistent pain, recurrence, weakness in the neck, etc.).
WARNING ! If you develop numbness or weakness in the upper limb or incontinence problems, consult your doctor immediately.
The Causes:
A headache can be transient. It manifests itself because one is overworked or too “celebrated” and it disappears in general as soon as we resume normal activities. Often, a little rest or exercise in the open air is enough to chase the pain. These headaches are not disturbing. On the other hand, very painful headaches that frequently recur should be taken seriously and treated with care.
The causes of headaches or migraines are many. They may be caused by dilated blood vessels, muscle spasms of the scalp, sinusitis, vision problems, hypertension, irritation or inflammation of the meninges (brain envelope), irritation of the Nerves or an increase in the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid in which the brain and the spinal cord bathe.
Another major cause of headaches is neck trauma that can cause mechanical irritation of the nerve roots. Trauma in the neck area is not always due to falls, collisions or serious accidents. Trauma can develop because joints are strained or unreasonably stressed. >Athletes are subject to these traumas, just like construction workers. As for them, truckers or secretaries who have poor posture also risk having these problems. In fact, nobody is safe from chronic headaches.
The pain experienced during headaches or migraines comes from the trigeminal nerve and the first three cervical nerve roots. When one has a headache, it is not the brain that is painful, because the cerebral tissue is not sensitive.
When Do They Appear?
Headaches Or Migraines Can Occur When:
- Extensive visual effort (i.e. reading for several hours)
- Of a pronounced fatigue, where one is slow to take rest
- From the consumption of certain foods (i.e. chocolate)
- From trauma
- Anxiety
- Stress and tension
- Hormonal change
- Menstruation in some women
- A change in the concentration of certain chemicals in the nervous system (eg serotonin)
The Role Of The Chiropractor
The chiropractor can prevent or cure headaches related to the nervous and musculoskeletalHe will intervene effectively to treat the cause and not just the symptoms. He will use a natural method to restore mobility to the vertebrae and relieve muscle tension.
For those who want to avoid drugs and surgery, chiropractic is a natural choice!