Get Rid Of A Cold Or Flu Quickly


Top 3 safest ways to get rid of a cold or flu quickly

As the winter season approaches in North America, our immune system becomes more taxed with cooler weather and less immune supporting elements like the warm sun on our skin. As a result, the cough and cold season heats up and people start stocking their cupboards with various over the counter solutions.

Instead of adopting manmade concoctions this season, how about using these 3 natural ways to help get rid of cold and flu?

Consume antiviral and antibacterial foods

To help clean up a cold or flu in tandem with your immune system, the first thing you want to consider is removing the actual infection itself. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, but some of the easiest solutions are using strong antiviral and antibacterial foods and herbs.

Strong antiviral foods and herbs to consider include:

  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Cranberry
  • Cinnamon
  • Raw honey
  • Echinacea
  • Pau D’Arco
  • Oregano oil

Common antibacterial foods and herbs to consider include:

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Lemon
  • Cayenne
  • Cinnamon
  • Peppermint

Using a combination of foods and herbs that help remove viruses and bacteria will provide a comprehensive approach that will also provide a nice immune system boost as well. Preparing them in a way that keeps them in their raw form with easy to assimilate nutrients will provide you with the closest thing to a silver bullet for the common cold.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays an important role in the health and the function of the immune cells, which are extremely important in fighting off any infection, including the common cold. White blood cells depend on vitamin C in order to survive and withstand the attack of pathogens. It also plays an important role as an antihistamine and reduces conditions associated with colds, fevers, and flu’s.

Some very high quality sources of vitamin C include camu camu, acerola cherry, guava, peppers, and kale. Other common sources include oranges, lemons, kiwi, melons, and pineapple. If you want a supplement, try a quality source of liposomal vitamin C, which results in greater absorption into the bloodstream. See the last source link below to make your own Vitamin C at home.


Probiotics are commonly known for their role in helping regulate the proper balance of our inner ecology. This of course, creates stronger intestinal health, which in turn supports a healthy immune system, which is the primary factor to consider when warding off any pathogens, including colds and the flu.

Besides enhanced immune system activity, probiotics also produce antibacterial substances that kill or deactivate hostile disease causing bacteria. Friendly bacteria do this by changing the local levels of acidity, by depriving pathogenic bacteria of their nutrients, or by actually producing their own antibiotic substances.

Some very high quality sources of food passed probiotics are fermented vegetables, kefir, and apple cider vinegar.

One of the most powerful ways to knock out a cold or flu is to combine some of these most powerful foods together in a way that leaves them in their rawest and purest state, and synergistically combines their nutrients in a highly absorbable format.

That can all be accomplished at home with this Antibiotic Tonic Recipe. Also check out Bullet Proof Your Immune System.


Learn more: 3IsRVm4dA

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